6Q Launches Multilingual Employee Surveys

Company Name: 6Q

Announcement Date: 13/01/2016
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Announcement Content:

PERTH, AUSTRALIA – 13 JANUARY 2016 – 6Q, the Australian pulse survey system used by customers across the globe, has just announced they are going truly international, with over 100 other languages other than English supported by the system.

6Q’s unique visual feedback technique uses a simple sliding bar to control a friendly animated smiley face, replacing cumbersome number scales used on traditional surveys. Additionally, text comments can be added either individually or anonymously.

Founder and CEO, Miles Burke, said “”We’ve had interest in 6Q from teams in 149 countries, and Australia only accounts for 21% of the enquiries we’ve received. In fact, English speaking countries count for just over half the interest, which means that 47% of the interest we’ve received comes from places where English is not the main language.

“By ensuring we can support over 100 languages, including Arabic, Cantonese, Hindi and Japanese, we can reach more teams with our team sentiment surveys. Additionally, we’ve had our question library of 200 questions translated into Indonesian and Hindi as well.” He added.

Reports across the globe are being published, showing a rise in employee engagement interest, such as recent research in China showing companies are increasingly integrating employee engagement. From 2012–2014, the percentage of China’s CSR reports that included employee engagement increased from 46 percent to 70 percent. (Horizon Corporate Consultancy. Development Evaluation Index.)

“Our experience with a wide range of organisations with 6Q has shown that our simple surveys really help improve employee engagement and strengthen company culture within workplaces. If 6Q can help achieve this with non-English speaking organisations, we would be very happy.” Miles Burke said.

Announcement URL: http://inside.6q.io/introducing-multilingual-employee-surveys/
About 6Q:

6Q empowers managers to collect meaningful and actionable employee feedback in less than two minutes per week.

6Q creates insights into employee productivity and happiness, and provides important feedback on your organisation every 1, 2 or 4 weeks.

Our pulse surveys allow between 1-10 questions and takes less than two minutes for employees to complete. Our customers, based on most continents, enjoy improved engagement, a better team culture and higher productivity.

Try a 25 day free trial by visiting our website.

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Announcement Contact: [email protected]

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