6Q Announces Two Requested Employee Survey Features

Company Name: 6Q

Announcement Date: 20/05/2016
Announcement Category: Product launch/update
Announcement Content:

The team at 6Q are pleased to announce two new features, solidifying them as the preferred choice for employee engagement surveys from companies large and small.

All customers now have the ability to export PDF reports of team moods and feedback, as well as add 'HR Assistant'roles, to help manage the employee data.

6Q release new features regularly, and have recently also published a product roadmap to all their customers, requesting their input.

Announcement URL: http://inside.6q.io/new-features-assistant-role-pdf-reports/
About 6Q:

6Q empowers managers to collect meaningful and actionable employee feedback in less than two minutes per week.

6Q creates insights into employee productivity and happiness, and provides important feedback on your organisation every 1, 2 or 4 weeks.

Our pulse surveys allow between 1-10 questions and takes less than two minutes for employees to complete. Our customers, based on most continents, enjoy improved engagement, a better team culture and higher productivity.

Try a 25 day free trial by visiting our website.

Go to Company Profile for: 6Q

Announcement Contact: [email protected]

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